Thank you!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Friday, December 31, 2010

I have a dream

In 1981, the Mongolian astronaut, J.Gurragchaa went into space. This was a proud moment for all Mongolians. People sometimes have an idea to do extremely things. For me my dream is to go into outer space. I believe that one day my dream will come true. I would rather spend my money for traveling and discovering the world to meet many people to visit different places than spend my money for huge expensive castle for living, or for expensive cars.
Nowadays space tourism couldn’t develop well and it costs so much around $30 million for a two week experience in space. After about 20 years later I am sure space tourism will develop very much that could be the one of the best way to earn money. I believe that time will be able to travel average people like me who really desire to go into outer space.
If I had a chance to go into outer space that would be fantastic. That would be the definitely unforgettable real adventure part of my whole life. I think I would be very impressed for doing this in the beginning but I won’t afraid at all. If my rocket is cracked I won’t regret to die. I am expecting to see magnificent views of our world. Oh I can’t imagine what I feel exactly. Just I know I will be absolutely trilled. I will have deep feeling that will be talked rest of my life. My grand children will enjoy listening about my great time.

The capital of Mongolia should be moved to Kharkhorin

Ulaanbaatar is capital of Mongolia which is center of culture, religion, economic, politic and art. Today in Mongolia one third of the population living. From near the Kharakhorin to Altan devsh the place where today’s Ulaanbaatar is situating Ulaanbaatar moves more than 30 times. During that time we stayed and passed Altan devsh for four times. It is recorded that the most moved capital in the world. For Mongolians who has nomadic civilization had no experience for constriction. Beginning of the 19th century Russian brothers helped us to build new city. If you were before democracy Ulaanbaatar looks like one of the Russian city. In the beginning the location of Ulaanbaatar was perfect for nomads. There is wide Tuul River and four big mountains Bogd khan, Bayanzurkh, Chingeltei, Songino khairkhan surrounding the place that helps the animals for shelter. But today it is worst choice I would say. What exactly I dislike most about Ulaanbaatar is its air pollution, traffic jam, and garbage. Because today we have horrible air pollution and terrible traffic jam. There isn’t possible to land international airplane near the Ulaanbaatar. Infrastructure of Ulaanbaatar is constructed totally wrong. All power stations are located in the North West where the wind comes to Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia has extremely huge territory comparing with the people who live here. So why we should have terrible traffic jam like today. In personally I would support that small group of Mongolians who argue that the capital of Mongolia should move to Kharakhorin, the former capital of Chingis khan. First we should move government place to Kharakhorin and build there international airport. Build very wide and good roads including road of buses and bicycle. Very modern and high developed city would be construct pretty soon with support of tourism and mining industries. Up-to-date technology city will be the not only the center of Mongolia but also center of culture, religion, economic, politic and art of the world. If we move our capital to Kharakhorin city again we prove that we are the children of nomads.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Монгол гадаад оюутнуудын уулзалт



It will be on the 20th of December. Starts at 6pm. In the school.

MC – Zula


  1. Speech by Director of SCH
  2. Christmas Presentations and Greetings –
    1. Foreign students – sing Silent Night in Mongolian
    2. Mongolian students – sing Silent Night in English
    3. Richel and Melody – explain symbols and colors of Christmas
    4. Mongolian student greeting -
    5. Foreign student greeting – Yonja sing Korean song
    6. Mongolian student greeting
    7. Foreign student greeting – Bat tell fun story
    8. Mongolian student greeting
    9. Foreign student greeting - William
    10. Mongolian student greeting-
    11. Foreign student greeting - Sharon
    12. Mongolian student greeting
  3. Games
  4. Share gifts
  5. Meal

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Newly furnished 1 bedroom and 1 living room on the 3rd floor of 5 store building in Bayangol district (on the road Modnii hoyor next to Amure hotel) is available for rent. It has separated kitchen room. Garage is available for additional charge. All windows are face to the south. High ceiling makes very much spacious.
Price: 400 USD
Payment term: 3+ months
Phone: 98181176

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My exciting experience in Moscow when I was a child

When I was 16 I traveled with my grandmother and sisters to Moscow which is capital city of Russia by train Siberian that takes 7 days in one way. We stopped many small cities on the way about from 5 minutes to an hour. During that time all people try to sale and buy something which is from China. By train window the lake Baikal looked so amazing that I never forget. Most part of Russian territory is full of Siberian larch trees. When I reach Moscow I absolutely thrilled. There was old and new Moscow. The territory of Moscow was extremely huge. There first time I have sited underground and train which use electricity. And also I have seen kissed pairs in public area. I totally surprised and told my sister that time my aunt recognized me and warned me don’t look it. We visited to my grandmother’s friend’s home where is located north side of Moscow about 80 kilometers shore of Volga River. The Volga River is so wide and deep. There were many big and expensive boats. All nights there parties on the big boats with full of people and loud music. Many girls and boys the same age me walked near the river by pairs. Every city and town has got absolutely big monument of Lenin and Stalin. We visited red square there were many Lenins. If you want to take a photo you have to pay. There I had many Russian friends unfortunately my Russian wasn’t very good but we can understand each other easily. One of my friends invited me her home. Her family had pretty average life. But I have never seen untidy family like that before. The boys tried to talk me but I didn’t talk and run away they followed me I was really terrified. We were there more than one month. The one different thing from Mongolia is there was no dust. Here I wash my white blouse almost every day. But there I don’t need to wash my white blouse almost a week. That is the longest and furthest place I have been.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gadaad Mongol oyutnii uulzalt

SCH language schooliin gadaad Mongol oyutnuudiin uulzalt ene 5 dahi odor buyu 10nd 13 dugaar horoolliin shineer neegdej bui Coffee house-iin neeltiin uil ajillagaa deer bolno. Jinhene Coffee uuh bolon gadaad oyutantai taniltsah sonirholtoi humuust neelttei. Neeltiin ajillagaa 15 tsagaas 20 tsagiin hoorond urgeljilne.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bair tureesluulne

modnii 2t tavilgatai 2 oroo bair am bul tsoon hund tureesluulne 55150306

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dorian gray movie will start at 3.20 o'clock on the 4th of December /Saturday/on
reported by Oyungerel

Monday, November 29, 2010

9b class - E.Oyundalai

Tailor swift - You belong with me "Чи минийx"
Чи утсаар найз оxинтойгоо ярьж байна тэр гутарчиxсан байна
Тэр чиний xэлсэн нэг зүйлийн талаар нуршиж эxэллээ
Учир нь тэр чиний занг над шиг сайн ойлгож чадаxгүй
Би өрөөндөө байна энэ энгийн л нэг мягмар гарагийн орой
Би тэрний (she) дургүй төрлийн xөгжмийг сонсож байна
Бас тэр xэзээ ч чиний туxай над шиг сайн мэдэxгүй
Гэxдээ тэр богино юбка өмсдөг
Би xарин футболк өмсдөг
Тэр xөгжөөн дэмжигчдийн аxлагч
Xарин би xөгжимчдийн нэг
Чамайг нэг өдөр удаан xугацааны турш xайж байсан зүйл чинь би байсан гэдгийг ойлгоx тэр л өдрийг мөрөөдсөөр ...
Xэрвээ чи ганцxан би л чамайг ойлгодог гэдгийг олж xардаг бол
Бүxэл цагын турш энд байxад чи яагаад олж xараxгүй байгаа юм бэ?
Чи минийx
Чи гудамжаар xуучирсан жинстэйгээ алxаж байна
Би ийм л байx ёстой гэж бодоxгүй байx гэж xичээгээд ч чадаxгүй нь
Цэцэрлэгийн сандал дээр инээлдэж сууxдаа
Xөөе энэ иx амарxан юм бишүү гэж дотроо бодлоо
Бас чи энэ xотыг тэр чигээр нь гэрэлтүүлж чадаxуйц инээмсэглэж байна
Тэр чиний санааж зовоож эxэлснээс xойш энэ инээмсгэлэлийг удаан xараагүй байлаа
Чи зүгээр гэдгээ xэллээ
Би чамайг үүнээс илүү мэднэ
Xөөе чи иймэрxүү оxидтой юу xийж яваа юм бэ?
Тэр өндөр өсгийтэй гутал өмсдөг
Xарин би пүүз
Тэр xөгжөөн дэмжигчдийн аxлагч
Xарин би xөгжимчдийн нэг
Чамайг нэг өдөр xугацааны турш xайж байсан зүйл чинь би байсан гэдгийг ойлгоx тэр л өдрийг мөрөөдсөөр ...
Xэрвээ чи ганцxан би л чамайг ойлгодог гэдгийг олж xардаг бол
Бүxэл цагын турш энд байxад чи яагаад олж xараxгүй байгаа юм бэ?
Чи минийx
Чиний талд зогсож чамайг xүлээxэд
Энэ бүx xугацаанд чи яагаад ойлгоxгүй байгаа юм бэ
Xонгор минь чи минийx
Чи минийx
Би нэг орой чамайг миний байшинлуу жолоодож байсныг санаж байна
Чамайг уйлаx гэж байгааг чинь мэдээд би л чамайг инээлгэдэг цор ганц xүн
Бас би чиний дуртай дуунуудыг мэднэ бас чи надад мөрөөдлөө xэлсэн
Би чамайг xэнийx гэдгийг мэдэx юм шиг байна , тэр xүн нь би гэж би мэдэж байна
Би л чамайг ойлгодог ганц xүн гэдгийг xарж чадаxгүй байна гэж үү?
Бүл л цагын турш энд байxад чи яагаад олж xараxгүй байгаа юм бэ?
Чи минийx
Чиний талд зогсож чамайг xүлээxэд
Энэ бүx xугацаанд чи яагаад ойлгоxгүй байгаа юм бэ
Xонгор минь чи минийx
Чи минийx
Чи минийx
Чи өмнө нь чи минийx байж магадгүй гэж бодож байсан уу?

A Sound - Forever
Чи намайг энд үүрд орxиж явна ...
Би чамайг энд үүрд xүлээx болно
Чи намайг энд үүрд xараxыг xүснэ
Бас би чамайг энд үүрд xүлээx болно
Чи тэгэж бодож байна уу?
Тэгвэл тийм биш
Бас би энд үүрд мөнx xүлээxгүй

Чи үүрд надаас зайгаа барина
Би чиний араас үүрд гүйx болно
Чи энийг үүний зам нь гэж бодож бодож байна уу
Тэгвэл миний юу гэж xэлэxийг сонс

Чи тэгэж бодож байна уу?
Тэгвэл тийм биш
Бас би энд үүрдийн мөнx xүлээxгүй

9b class - E.Oyundalai

Friday is English Speaking Day

On Fridays all teachers and students have to talk in English each other.

Namaig demjeerei

Minii blogt doorhi hayagaar orood sanalaa ogoorei. Zaaval burtguulj baij sanalaa ogdog yum bilee.

Гадаад хэлний олимпиадын удирдамж

Гадаад хэлний олимпиадын удирдамж

Зохион байгуулалт
Хаана Англи хэл, Орос хэл Хугацаа /2010-2011он/
Нэгийн даваа
Сургууль дээр
9, 11-р ангийн сурагчид оролцоно.

12-р сарын 02-нд 15:00 цагаас дүүргүүдэд сэдэв тараагдана.

12-р сарын 03-нд Англи хэл,

12-р сарын 06-нд Орос хэлний олимпиад болно

* Олимпиадыг тухайн өдрийн 1, 2-р ээлжийн 3-р цагт ЗАН зохион байгуулж явуулна.
* Анализыг 12-р сарын 08-нд дүүргийн Боловсролын хэлтэст өгнө.

Хоёрын даваа
Дүүрэг бүрд

* Сургуулийн 9, 11-р анги бүрээс шалгарсан эхний 6 сурагч, 1 багш орно
* Олимпиадыг дүүргийн Боловсролын хэлтэс зохион байгуулна

- 01-р сарын 12-нд Англи хэл,

- 01-р сарын 13-нд Орос хэлний олимпиад зохион байгуулагдана
Гурвын даваа

Нийслэлийн 6 дүүрэг

* Төрийн өмчийн сургуулийн 9, 11-р ангийн эхний 5 байр эзэлсэн 5 сурагч
* Төрийн бус өмчийнсургуулийн эхний 3 байр эзэлсэн 3 сурагч
* БНД, НД, БХД-ээс эхний 3 байрт шалгарсан 3 сурагч
* Дүүргийн олимпиадаас эхний 4 байрт шалгарсан багш хотын олимпиадад оролцоно

- 03-р сарын 23-ны 10 цагт Англи хэлний олимпиад СБД-н 6-р сургууль дээр

- 03-р сарын 24-ны 10 цагт Орос хэлний олимпиад БГД-ын Галакси сургууль дээр зохион байгуулагдана

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Grade 9 Second term


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Owl City - Vanilla Twilight

Nomingerel Grade 10 a school#23


odod doosh hazain chamaig unsene
harin bi huurmag zuudnees sereed chamaig sanana
agaar mandliin hemjeegeer aadar boroo nad deer tsutgana
bi zuurmeglen orchlongoos tasran anirguid morlih uchraas
chinii gar namaig toirohiig bi sanadag
bi chamd zoriulan il zahidal yavuulsan , zovhon chamd
Bi chamaig end bailgahiig husej bna

Tsenher gerel oorchlogdon shono bolohiig bi mederdeg
Gehdee l ene chamgui baihtai ogthon ch tosgui
Uchir ni ayarhan shivnee l uuniig avdag
Chimeegui baihni tiim ch muugui
Garaa harahdaa bi gunigiig mederdeg ch
Gariin min huruunuud dundah zai baigaa
Gaihamshig gevel uund chinii zov taarsan bh bolno

Shine zamiig olhiin tuld amrah heregtei
Ene 2 odor bodsoor bgaad untaj ch chadsangui
ongorsoniig dursahad huiten bna
Ene jihuudes namaig moljih shig l boldog

Gevch bi haranhui vaniliin boroond tsohiulan
Buh l shoniin tursh dovjoonii urd suuna
belhuusnii chin talaar gunzgii bodoh uchraas
Hezee ch hediid ch chamaig boddog

bi gantsaardliig medermeergui bna
Bi gantsaardliig medermeergui bna
Bi gantssardliig medermeergui bna

Iimees tsag urgelj bi anivchina

Onoo shono bi chamaig bodno
Onoo shono bi chamaig bodno

Nil yagaan tsetseg shig tungalag nud chin
harin dalavchnuud ni asaaguurt hurehed berh
Bi tengeriig dahin amtlan sergeleneer medermeer bna

Hedii bi ertontsiig meddeg ch yamar gedgiig ni martchihaj
Gevch bi chamaig martahgui gedgee amlaj bna
hervee minii duu hooloi damjuulj chaddag yum bol
Ongorson buhniig butsaana

Bi chinii chihend shivnie
Hongor min , Bi chamaig end bailgahiig husej bna

10-iin A Nomingerel

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Points for Understanding

Chapter 1
1.What are the names of the two people in the artist's studio?
What do you know about each of these people?
2. The artist is painting a portrait. He does not want to show this portrait in an art gallery. Why not?
3. The artist does not want his friend to meet the young man. Why?

Chapter 2
1. What does Dorian Gray look like?
2. Lord Henry Wotton tells Dorian how to live his life. What does he tell him?
3. Lord Henry tells Dorian, "You mustn't get burned by the sun". Why does he say?

Chapter 3

1. How does Dorian feel when he first looks at the portrait?
2. Dorian remembers what Harry said in the garden. How does Dorian feel about the portrait now?
3. Dorian makes a wish. What does he wish?
4. Basil says, "You have made me hate my best painting".
a) What does Basil decide to do?
b) What does Dorian do?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ochirdari grade 10b school #23


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My language learning

Essay -

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray -

Way back into love

Thursday, October 14, 2010

List of books

List of Books

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I love galloping under the blue sky

2000 words which you should know

2000 words

Monday, June 28, 2010

Speaking summer homework 2

Did you have a happy childhood?
When do you tell white lies? Tell us one.
The most capable person in your country?
Favorite novelist?
Proudest moment?
Worst moment? (last week if necessary)
Most hated song/music at the moment?
The last piece of music you bought?
Were you good at school?
The greatest influence on you? (parents, friends ...)
Current bedside reading material?
Where will you go when you die?
What do you admire most about yourself?
One of your main faults?
A small crime you once committed? (anything at all)
Music you would like played at your funeral?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

DynEd's English for adults part 2

Introduction of DynEd

Contact me


Cell phone: 98181176

Speaking summer homework

Speaking summer homework
1. Talk about his/her daily routine? – Present Simple
2. Talk about the situation (5years ago) – Past Simple
3. Talk about the situation (5years later) – Future Simple
4. Talk about the actions happening at 5 o’clock yesterday? – Past Continuous
5. Talk about the things you have already/ just done. – Present Perfect
6. Talk about the actions happened when you were a child? – Used to

Эдгээр сэдвээс сугалах бөгөөд хоёр хоёроороо асуугдана. Нэгнийхээ сугалсан сэдвийг асууж нөгөө нь хариулна. Асуулт хариулт аль алин дээр нь оноо авах учир асуултаа илүү сайн бэлдээрэй хүүхдүүдээ. 2 сурагч нийлээд 6 мин буюу нэг сурагч тус бүр нь 3 мин ярина.

I am Mongolian

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010


I don't work for money. Money works for me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to use A, AN, THE

English levels

I cannot speak English. I do not understand any English.

With help I can understand simple English. I can speak and write some English in familiar situations.

In familiar situations I can speak and understand basic English quite well. I know how to ask for help if I don't understand.

I know and can use most of the basic grammatical structures. I have sufficient vocabulary to communicate successfully in a variety of situations, even if I make mistakes.

Upper Intermediate
I can communicate confidently in a variety of situations. I occasionally make mistakes in grammar and vocabulary but this does not prevent understanding. I can use and understand some idiomatic language.

I can speak English fluently in most situations with few mistakes. I have strategies for understanding new and unusual language.

Give me the pictures and videos

Hello my students of Golden Bridge. Please give me the videos and pictures. I would like to post it as soon as possible.

Can you sing better than her?


I love my mother

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Бие даалтын загвар

Bie daalt

Уул нь EXCEL дээр хийгээд тавьсан. Татвал болох байхаа.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bie daalt

Bie daalt

I won't check your homework and notebook. But I will check this one.